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Update from Lars

Spring is in the air!

We hope you all have nice plans for halfterm and there is not too much studying to be done. Spring is a good time to start any project- even braces!

Luckily we have plenty of capacity since Evisi another specialist orthodontist joined our team a couple of years ago. Evisi has started doing a day a week in the JR Hospital orthodontic Dept to see what they get up to but will be returning to us fulltime in March 25 which will be great. She has proven a great addition to the practice and has my full support as a professional colleague and all-round lovely person.

Rumours that I am retiring are circulating! I can assure you I have no immediate plans although I do hope to wind down slowly (and take more holidays!) at some stage. I love my work and my patients so I cannot see myself stopping any time soon. Although the thought of working less is seductive…!

Julie, our trusted colleague of 25 years, who has been involved in your invoicing and payment plans among other things officially retired at the end of March. She is sorely missed for her dedication and great humour. She has been a hard act to follow in terms of her organisational skill with invoices! We are still looking for someone on a fulltime basis who is organised, comfortable with people management as well as bookkeeping. If you know someone who fits the bill please email us at info@larschristensenorthodontics

The public health messaging of “do not attend or call in advance if you have respiratory symptoms or feel unwell” remains. There has been a lot of illness/flu around over the last couple of months and we thank you for  staying away!

Facemasks are no longer mandatory. Health staff are not required to wear facemasks in non-clinical areas (eg. reception areas, offices and staff rooms), unless this is their personal preference.

As a practice, we have made some changes to our set up and procedures and these will endure despite the lifting of restrictions.

We have not been immune to staff shortages and delays in shipments and apologise to any of you who has been affected by either.  Between Brexit and the pandemic there is a national shortage of dental nurses and we have felt this acutely. Our in-surgery support team has changed a lot in the last few years but we have a found two lovely dental nurses who have proven dedicated and enthusiastic and we are really grateful to have them complementing our wonderful reception team.

We continue to be enormously grateful for all your support and the trust you continue to show in us.  We appreciate it very much.

With best wishes


**We are working tirelessly to update our operating procedures as the events unfold over the coming months**

We would like to inform you of the changes we have implemented to reduce the risk to you, your families and to our staff;

  • We have installed air purifiers in all clinical areas
  • Patients will be offered the chance to sanitise their hands for 20 seconds upon entering the practice
  • The waiting area will not have magazines or newspapers as these are difficult to disinfect
  • Any appointments that can be conducted virtually will continue to be performed virtually
  • Please reduce the amount of personal belongs brought into the clinic
  • Please treat our staff kindly as they are trying to help you. Late cancellations due to staff sickness may be unavoidable and we ask for your understanding should this happen. Whilst many things have changed, we want to reassure you that we remain committed to your safety.  We have always maintained the highest standards of infection control.
    • We have installed air purifiers in all clinical areas which help combat aerosol spread of the virus
    • We have installed high volume suction allowing rapid air turnover in one surgery dedicated to aerosol generating procedures
    • We have increased frequency of cleaning of commonly touched surfaces and have hand sanitizer for use by patients and staff.

    Unfortunately, the virus, and other ones, are still around.  However, we have always used universal precautions and will continue to do so.

    Thank you for your continued support.